Life… lately.


Over the last two weeks I have been consumed by two assignments – both due on the same day. I’ve pushed appointments back and exiled myself into my home office determined to produce spectacular essays.

If it were only that easy.

The last month and a half has been filled with school work, doctors appointments and trying to fit in some kind of relaxation like I’m supposed to be doing. One course has so much jammed into it that I forgot about an online discussion that was due last week. OOPS. See. My brain is just bleh…. I need help.

Trying to manage all of this is difficult, but honestly, I wouldn’t have it any other way. Strangely, I can function in chaos and I think I prefer it. But I’m not asking for it to happen.

Work, work, work. Write, write, write. The end of the tunnel is almost here… six more months. I’m ready for it all.

Published by M.

I'm a frequent road tripper with a lot to say, sometimes too much at times. Addicted to shopping, exploring new things, finding happiness, and embracing the different. Come and join me as I write about travel, local finds, and anything being addicted to lattes and shopping.

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