Travel Series: Rhombus Guys Pizza

Well it sure has been a hot minute since I last posted. A lot has transpired since December, and I am hoping to get back on writing about my travels. I surely miss it. I am forever thankful and grateful for the partnership I had in the past with the Greater Grand Forks Convention &Continue reading “Travel Series: Rhombus Guys Pizza”

Grand Forks Getaway: Spring Break Edition

With just a few short weeks left as a university student before graduating next month, I decided that I needed a break! I knew there was one place I had to runaway to and my friends at the Greater Grand Forks Convention and Visitors Bureau made it happen! They played lovely hosts to an amazingContinue reading “Grand Forks Getaway: Spring Break Edition”

Explore Your Own Backyard: The Forks Market (Winnipeg, MB)

There’s something about the river that calls me home. It’s serene, it’s calm and it is where I go to unwind and collect my thoughts. On a warm summer day, cool fall night or even a chilly winter day you can find me here – The Forks Market, and yes, I’ll be down by theContinue reading “Explore Your Own Backyard: The Forks Market (Winnipeg, MB)”

Explore Your Own Backyard: The Vikings are coming! (Gimli, MB)

THE VIKINGS ARE COMING! No, you’re not looking at an episode of “Vikings”. What you’re looking at is the 125th Annual Icelandic Festival in Gimli, MB. Held the long weekend in August visitors surge to Gimli, MB, a quaint town on Lake Winnipeg, to celebrate their Icelandic history. It’s a weekend filled with history, funContinue reading “Explore Your Own Backyard: The Vikings are coming! (Gimli, MB)”

Explore Your Own Backyard: Neepawa, MB

Nestled on Provincial Highway 16 Neepawa is a small quiet town that anyone will fall in love with. Neepawa holds a very special place in my heart – it was where my grandmother was born and raised, where my great-grandmother lived until she died and a town I have visited many times throughout my childhood.Continue reading “Explore Your Own Backyard: Neepawa, MB”