10 Essential Winnipeg Experiences

Can you spot the deer family? Hello friends! I recently contributed to an article written by my friend Alicia at Prairie Style File, about the wonderful things that you can do/find while here in Winnipeg, featured on her blog and Room 5 by trivago. My contribution is a little hidden gem – Assiniboine Forest, located across from AssiniboineContinue reading “10 Essential Winnipeg Experiences”

See It All: Folklorama Week 2

Before week two started, Mom and I decided that we would visit the Italian pavilion at the Caboto Centre on Wilkes. Okay, so we were going for the food; however, I heard that the performances were spectacular. We arrived at the pavilion early but as our part of the line arrived at the front doors… itContinue reading “See It All: Folklorama Week 2”

See It All: Folklorama 2015 Week 1

Folklorama is a two week event here in Winnipeg where we get together to celebrate the various cultures that can be found in Manitoba. It’s a celebration of cultures, food and dancing. It is a lot of fun and I highly suggest that if you find yourself in Winnipeg during Folklorama, you go. Admission isContinue reading “See It All: Folklorama 2015 Week 1”

Explore Your Own Backyard: The Forks Market (Winnipeg, MB)

There’s something about the river that calls me home. It’s serene, it’s calm and it is where I go to unwind and collect my thoughts. On a warm summer day, cool fall night or even a chilly winter day you can find me here – The Forks Market, and yes, I’ll be down by theContinue reading “Explore Your Own Backyard: The Forks Market (Winnipeg, MB)”